Breaking News Obama gives Iran Billions

Breaking News

President Obama caught lying to American people. 

Author: Thomas Fry 7/22/2016 12:57 

The Iran deal was just a smokescreen to make people think that he really cared about the American People. 
As you know that the President made a big deal about the Iran deal to stop them from making nuclear weapons, come to find out that all of the that deal was just a smokescreen. He told the american public that we would snap-back the sanctions if Iran violated the agreement and of course Iran violated the agreement with the firing of 4 rockets test. Iran still shouting death to America and death to Israel and our President went and gave Iran all their money back by executive order without telling American public.

Executive Order

Blue Collar Politics


  1. Thank you for all your hard work, Thomas! Deeply appreciated!

    1. I want to thank you for listening and I hope to entertain you while informing you.

  2. Hello Thomas Fry I just want to say I really enjoy listening to your show . You cover everything and at times fly off the handle.

    1. Things sometimes make me mad and I don't see people getting upset by things by all rights should be mad about certain things. I guess that is why I do the show to point these subjects out.


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