Do you want me to tell you how to save money on technology?

Are you broke? Is money very tight for you? Do you want to save money? Do you want me to tell you how to save money on technology?

After all we all have to have technology to survive college. Hurricane Matthew……..A bad storm……………..had a lightning strike caused me to lose half my studio so I have to replace the equipment so I need to decide whether to buy laptops or tablets. I want to tell you why I think laptops are the best choice.
Although tablets are convenient Laptops are much better still.
So let’s look at the differences between the two devices:
1.       Portable yet still relatively powerful.
a.       Lots of RAM
b.      High processor speed
2.      Cheap. Price has drop considerably according to ‘’
a.       $400-$3000
3.      Hardware keyboard.
a.       No losing screen to type
4.       Full desktop OS. Like from ‘Microsoft’
a.       Windows 10 or OSX
5.      Connectivity; can work from a smartphone for internet ‘Verizon’ was the first phone service to have “HOTSPOT” technology
a.       Access point, smartphone
b.      Most Tablets are the same for connecting to the internet
Class Survey Results. Here
Tablets have their place though I am not here to tell you do not buy one, just take some time to think of what you are doing with the device you are buying to make sure you purchase the correct device.
PC Magazine Digital Edition the electronic side of the well-known PC Magazine print edition says:
Bottom line: If you need to do serious work, need powerful processing or multitasking, or need compatibility with a specific accessory or storage device, there's no good alternative to the laptop. Tablets can fulfill some of these needs some of the time, but when it's time to get things done, the laptop still reigns.
USA Today Newspaper Electronic edition, a certainly well-known newspaper says:
Perhaps most importantly — especially for those who do a lot of typing — a physical keyboard is more comfortable, accurate and fast than a tablet's "virtual" (on-screen) keyboard.
In conclusion: With money being tight I want you to go away from here as college students that you will be doing a lot of homework and being able to have one device that fits all for learning with very little compromising, A laptop is the way to go. But whatever you decide please do research first before you spend your money!
Any Questions?

Works Cited:
PC Magazine Digital Edition, BRIAN WESTOVER, AUGUST 22, 2013, Laptops vs. Tablets: The Ultimate Showdown,2817,2423063,00.asp

USA Today Digital Edition, Marc Saltzman, Special for USA TODAY11:35 a.m. EDT March 21, 2015


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