God Has a Plan An We Are Involved. Thomas Fry 2/22/2017 1400hrs. I believe after listening to Dr. Micheal Heiser speaking on Acts 2:1-21 and going down a rabbit hole that explains what he thinks will happen at the end times and they are coming soon. I have been listening to Dr. Heiser is a excellent speaker and expert on the Bible and what each chapter means broken down to their Greek and Hebrew original languages. I very much respect this man for teaching me to understand the Bible the correct way, because the Bible can be hard to understand at times. when he starts talking about what the end of the world will be like. I had a thought enter my head during his video on this particular book of Acts. I believe that the end of the world, mainly the one thousand year millennial rein after the seven year tribulation where God judges the world and after comes down to earth to live among his people for as the Bible says one thousand years, now I believe this will be a much longer time fr...
Showing posts from February, 2017
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Fracking Wells Have Moved the Earthquake Madrid Fault Line 400 miles to the West Thomas Fry 17 February 2017 14:14 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ad/HydroFrac2.svg/220px-HydroFrac2.svg.png I am the Host of Blue Collar Politics Radio Talk Show and for my show I do a lot of research on this subject so I can keep my listeners updated on why these earthquakes are happening the way they are. Now I follow a You Tuber named Dutchsinse and I believe after watching years of his YouTube videos that he has a firm grasp on what is happening with our world as far as we are concerned. Now I know he is accurate because our government cronies namely the scientist over at USGS have attacked him and slandered him in the newspapers and trolled his site trying to get people to stop paying attention to him because he speaks the truth. I have seen many you-tubers talk about the Madrid fault line and that it could go at any time and we should prepare for DOOM, Haha, bo...
Reporting Disgust in Fake news or outdated reporting
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Reporting Disgust Thomas Fry. 16 February 2017. 19:06. Blue Collar Politics. www.bluecollarpolitics.org As I was listening to a YouTube video the other day I realized just how out of control some of these video makers can have something to say and through what may be their fault or maybe they just think they know everything. I think it could be both buy I will go on listening and sometimes laughing, but nevertheless I will report to my listeners the truth and please if I ever say something that you disagree with please tell me and I will research it out again to check to make sure I do have it correct. There are new things in science that the scientist are finding a new truth as they learn thru experiments and conversations between them and then making a news article to tell the public and also opening themselves up for other scientist and lay people to challenge their discovery. This challenge is the most important thing we know in science because it keeps everyone focused on...