Reporting Disgust in Fake news or outdated reporting
Reporting Disgust
Thomas Fry. 16
February 2017. 19:06. Blue Collar Politics.
As I was listening to a YouTube video the other day I
realized just how out of control some of these video makers can have something
to say and through what may be their fault or maybe they just think they know
everything. I think it could be both buy I will go on listening and sometimes
laughing, but nevertheless I will report to my listeners the truth and please
if I ever say something that you disagree with please tell me and I will
research it out again to check to make sure I do have it correct. There are new
things in science that the scientist are finding a new truth as they learn thru
experiments and conversations between them and then making a news article to
tell the public and also opening themselves up for other scientist and lay
people to challenge their discovery. This challenge is the most important thing
we know in science because it keeps everyone focused on the truth. I know that
these one per-centers that have all the money in the world and they think they
know it all, I pause to think to myself just how much they know that we as the
general public do not know because they have hidden the truth that they find.
The conversation is so important for us to survive and the allowance of new
findings in the world have to be discussed between us or we will be lost and
then we will be dependent on others. Just remember that the only stupid
question is the question that was not asked. I am going to add a new segment to
Blue Collar Politics called the things I learned this week and I hope that my
listeners will tell me what they have learned in that same week and we all will
become so much smarter than all these idiots that spew out the same information
and are making money off of this bogus information. Please do not become a
person that thinks you know it all because you do NOT know it all and I can prove
it if you think you do! Maybe we can get our leaders to allow our scientist to
have that all important conversation that should be happening.
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