God Has a Plan An We Are Involved.

Thomas Fry 2/22/2017 1400hrs.

I believe after listening to Dr. Micheal Heiser speaking on Acts 2:1-21 and going down a rabbit hole that explains what he thinks will happen at the end times and they are coming soon. I have been listening to Dr. Heiser is a excellent speaker and expert on the Bible and what each chapter means broken down to their Greek and Hebrew original languages. I very much respect this man for teaching me to understand the Bible the correct way, because the Bible can be hard to understand at times. when he starts talking about what the end of the world will be like. I had a thought enter my head during his video on this particular book of Acts.
I believe that the end of the world, mainly the one thousand year millennial rein after the seven year tribulation where God judges the world and after comes down to earth to live among his people for as the Bible says one thousand years, now I believe this will be a much longer time frame, but God will need to do his Final Judgement of everyone on earth for the last time. After that I believe that there will be no end to the Garden of Eden, and we will live to the end of time with Jesus, God, and The Holy Spirit, and us his servants. This will be a good life and I am looking forward to this time on earth.
This paragraph is the revelation that I had while listening to this video about these end-times. The reason the end has to happen and there has to be many earthquakes and Tsunamis and land slides and just all around bad weather is because if you want to make a new earth and you want to support your children (us) and you want to stay separated until the right time is you need to get rid of all the buildings and structures and roads on this earth and you can judge the wicked and the Fallen Angels and do all this at one time, it would make sense of all this stuff that is going on right now as I watch this world fall into disarray and Evil is abound on this Earth, with demons and where what is good is bad and what is bad appears good to the un-awaken people living on this earth and those who have been saved by the will of God, through his Son, Jesus Christ, where no man shall go to the Father except through me. I am saved so I am told by the Bible that do not worry about these times because you will not see them. now I know this to be true because God would not beat up his Bride right before marrying her, and we the saved by God on this earth will not perish but be called up into the sky with a shout (Trump of God) his voice calling out for the dead to rise incorruptible and then the living that are saved will go up into Heaven to attend the wedding of Jesus to his bride.

I will talk about this on Saturday Night's Blue Collar Politics Talk Radio Show at 7-9pm (1900 -2100hrs) at http://www.bluecollarpolitics.org and click the listen live button half way down the first page. I hope to see you there. Blue Collar Politics


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