Wells Have Moved the Earthquake Madrid Fault Line 400 miles to the West
Thomas Fry 17 February
2017 14:14
I am the Host of Blue Collar Politics
Radio Talk Show and for my show I do a lot of research on this subject so I can
keep my listeners updated on why these earthquakes are happening the way they
are. Now I follow a You Tuber named Dutchsinse and I believe after watching
years of his YouTube videos that he has a firm grasp on what is happening with
our world as far as we are concerned. Now I know he is accurate because our
government cronies namely the scientist over at USGS have attacked him and
slandered him in the newspapers and trolled his site trying to get people to
stop paying attention to him because he speaks the truth. I have seen many you-tubers talk about the Madrid fault line and that it could go at any time and we should prepare for DOOM, Haha, boy when people do not talk with each other then you get this very situation. Dutchsinse has determined that due to fracking in Oklahoma earthquakes caused from the thousands of 18,000 ft. deep oil & gas frac wells, the pressure that normally goes to the Madrid fault lines now hit Oklahoma first which has released the pressure from building up at Madrid like it used too. Our government
believes that US citizens cannot handle knowing that what is happening to our
world. The gov believes that by not telling us what is going on we will
ignorantly go on with our lives thinking there is nothing wrong here folks just
live and do not worry yourselves about anything. I say we can handle it and we
should have the chance to be prepared for whatever could hit us, I mean just
look at our past responses to disasters in the past and how we handled those.
For instance the fires in California, and the drought that hit California too.
More recently the Oroville dam overflow was handled by Americans just fine. And
that was even with the authorities only giving a half hour to evacuate, when
they could have said something earlier to allow people more time to prepare,
and they could have done that without panic, like saying “Folks we are watching
the water rise very fast and we will do everything possible to keep from a dam
break from happening, but you may want to consider packing your most precious
belongings and get ready in case you must evacuate.” Now I do not see how that
would panic anyone, unless they are fear porn people and those people would do
things that created panic no matter the situation. We are strong Americans that
built this country and the government should, no we demand more respect from
our elected politicians.
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