Fracking Operations are causing Earthquakes and cause extreme problems in the Water Table

by Thomas Fry 8/30/2016 17:00
This is the first report on a whole series that I will be reporting on and also using airtime on my radio show, where I will go into depth of just how dangerous this is and the harm that Americans will suffer in the long term.

At greatest risk of contamination are the coalbed aquifers currently used as sources of drinking water. For example, in the Powder River Basin (PRB) the coalbeds are the best aquifers. CBM production in the PRB will destroy most of these water wells; BLM predicts drawdowns...that will render the water wells in the coal unusable because the water levels will drop 600 to 800 feet. The CBM production in the PRB is predicted to be largely over by the year 2020. By the year 2060 water levels in the coalbeds are predicted to have recovered to within 95% of their current levels; the coalbeds will again become useful aquifers. However, contamination associated with hydrofracturing in the basin could threaten the usefulness of the aquifers for future use. - See more at:  

The amount of chemicals that they use are not safe and the amount of operations that are drilled into the ground all accross the US is absolutely ridiculous, and should be considered criminal. If you would like to hear the live talk and you would like to ask questions please join us at and click the listen live button @ 7pm-9pm Tuesday & Saturdays. 


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