TPP is not over and Americans will lose everything we hold dear if nothing is done to stop this blatant dismemberment of our Constitution  

Thomas Fry 8/20/2016 10:50

TPP consist of The United States is negotiating the TPP with 11 other like-minded countries (Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam) 

The TPP is the cornerstone of the Obama Administration’s economic policy in the Asia Pacific. The large and growing markets of the Asia-Pacific already are key destinations for U.S. manufactured goods, agricultural products, and services suppliers, and the TPP will further deepen this trade and investment.

 As a group, the TPP countries are the largest goods and services export market of the United States. U.S. goods exports to TPP countries totaled $698 billion in 2013, representing 44 percent of total U.S. goods exports.  U.S. exports of agricultural products to TPP countries totaled $63 billion in 2013, 42 percent of total U.S. agricultural exports. U.S. private services exports totaled $172 billion in 2012 (latest data available), 27 percent of total U.S. private services exports to the world. America’s small- and medium-sized enterprises alone exported $247 billion to the Asia-Pacific in 2011 (latest data available).

The TPP would expand the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) "trade" pact model that has spurred massive U.S. trade deficits and job loss, downward pressure on wages, unprecedented levels of inequality and new floods of agricultural imports. The TPP not only replicates, but expands NAFTA's special protections for firms that offshore U.S. jobs. And U.S. TPP negotiators literally used the 2011 Korea FTA – under which exports have fallen and trade deficits have surged – as the template for the TPP.

Although it is called a "free trade" agreement, the TPP is not mainly about trade. Of TPP's 29 draft chapters, only five deal with traditional trade issues. One chapter would provide incentives to offshore jobs to low-wage countries. Many would impose limits on government policies that we rely on in our daily lives for safe food, a clean environment, and more. Our domestic federal, state and local policies would be required to comply with TPP rules.

We only know about the TPP's threats thanks to leaks – the public is not allowed to see the draft TPP text. Even members of Congress, after being denied the text for years, are now only provided limited access. Meanwhile, more than 500 official corporate "trade advisors" have special access. 

The TPP has been under negotiation for six years, and the Obama administration wants to sign the deal this year. Opposition to the TPP is growing at home and in many of the other countries involved.

The following are the threats to American citizens posed by the TPP.
  • ·        More Job Offshoring, More income inequality
  • ·        Undermining Food Safety
  • ·        Threats to public Health
  • ·        Financial Deregulation: Bankers Delight
  • ·        Son of SOPA: Curtailing Internet Freedom
  • ·        Bye Bye American Jobs
  • ·        More Power to Corporations to Attack Nations
  • ·        Turning a Blind eye to Human Rights Violation

  • ·       The TPP would incentivize offshoring American jobs to low-wage countries, and would also exacerbate U.S. income inequality.
  • ·       The TPP would require us to import meat and poultry that does not meet U.S. safety standards. It would impose limits on food labeling.
  • ·       U.S. negotiators are pushing the agenda of Big Pharma – expanding firms' monopoly protections for drugs. The TPP would restrict access to life-saving medicines for millions in developing nations, while undermining efforts to contain U.S. medicine costs.
  • ·       The TPP would undermine the re-regulation of Wall Street. It would prohibit bans on risky financial products and services and undermine "too big to fail" regulations.
  • ·       Thought SOPA was bad? The TPP would require internet service providers to "police" user-activity and treat individual violators as large-scale for-profit violators. Plus, the TPP would stifle innovation.
  • ·       The TPP would impose limits on how our elected officials can use tax dollars – banning Buy American or Buy Local preferences and offshoring our tax dollars to create jobs abroad.
  • ·       Foreign corporations would be empowered to attack our health, environmental and other laws before foreign tribunals on the mere basis that their expectations were frustrated, and to demand taxpayer compensation for expected future profits.
  • ·       The TPP would turn a blind eye to human trafficking, child labor and anti-LGBT abuses by giving human rights offenders like Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei privileged access to the U.S. market.

  1. Earthquake west coast and the 2 spots that have been stuck for three hundred years, but the rest of the plate is moving fine, This is causing a major bind on the land around Washington St and the San Andrea’s Fault Line. Something has to give.
  2.   Dutchsense has offered up very good explanations and is astounding at predicting where the next earthquake is going to hit at.


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